Deployment Guide

About this Guide

This is a productive deployment guide for deploying the Authority Portal from scratch.


Technical Skills

  • Ability to deploy, run and expose containered applications to the internet.

  • Ability to configure ingress routes or a reverse proxy of your choice to merge multiple services under a single domain.

  • Ability to maintain a Keycloak


  • Each configured Dataspace Deployment Environment must have a running sovity Keycloak DAPS.

  • Each configured Dataspace Deployment Environment must have a running Logging House.

  • To make use of the Data Catalog, each configured Dataspace Deployment Environment must have configured a running Catalog Crawler (based on the sovity EDC Connector).

The respective compatible versions can be found in the

Third Party

  • Information about a running instance of the sovity CaaS-Portal ist required.

    • URL of the CaaS-Portal, referred to as [CAAS_PORTAL_FQDN] in this guide.

    • URL of the Keycloak for authorizing at the CaaS-Portal, referred to as [CAAS_KC_FQDN] in this guide.

    • Credentials for the CaaS-Portal, referred to as [CAAS_CLIENT_ID] and [CAAS_CLIENT_SECRET] in this guide.

  • A running instance of Uptime Kuma is required.

    • This should track the DAPS and Catalog Crawler status. If the Logging House is used, its status should be tracked as well

    • The statuses must be available via the API (/metrics endpoint)

      • The output per component should look like this:

        monitor_status{monitor_name="[Component name]", ...} [INTEGER]
    • URL of the Uptime Kuma, referred to as [UPTIME_KUMA_FQDN] in this guide.

    • API key for the Uptime Kuma, referred to as [UPTIME_KUMA_API_KEY] in this guide.


Deployment Units


Reverse Proxy / Ingress

  • Authority Portal needs to be deployed with TLS/HTTPS.

  • The domain under which the Authority Portal should be reachable on the internet will be referred to as [AP_FQDN] in this guide.

  • Path mapping:

    • Frontend: https://[AP_FQDN] -> caddy:8080 -> frontend:8080

    • Backend: https://[AP_FQDN]/api -> caddy:8080 -> oauth2-proxy:8080 -> caddy:8081 -> backend:8080/api

Keycloak IAM Deployment

  • The Keycloak needs to get the following env variables it uses in the container:

  # Variables to set privacy policy and legal notice URLs on Keycloak pages
  • Consider consulting Keycloak's server administration guide.

  • You need to have a running Keycloak with the aforementioned compatible version.

  • The domain under which the Keycloak should be reachable on the internet will be referred to as [KC_FQDN] in this guide and should differ from the [AP_FQDN].

  • The steps to set up the realm are the following

    • sovity theme

      1. Copy sovity-theme directory to {keycloakRoot}/themes/ directory

      2. Import realm.json to create the authority-portal realm

      3. Adjust settings for oauth2-proxy client (Clients > oauth2-proxy > Settings)

        • Root URL: URL of the auth proxy, e.g. https://authority-portal.example.url

        • Home URL: (Relative) sign in URL of auth proxy, e.g. /oauth2/sign_in

        • Valid Redirect URIs: (Relative) callback URL of auth proxy, e.g. /oauth2/callback

        • Valid post logout redirect URIs: /*

      4. Adjust settings for authority-portal-client client (Clients > authority-portal-client > Settings)

        • Root URL: URL of the authority portal, e.g. https://authority-portal.example.url

        • Home URL: (Most likely) same as Root URL

      5. Regenerate client secrets for oauth2-proxy and authority-portal-client clients

        • Clients > [client] > Credentials > Regenerate (Client secret)

      6. Select sovity theme for login & email templates

        • Select authority-portal realm

        • Realm settings > Themes > Login theme: Select sovity-theme

        • Realm settings > Themes > Email theme: Select sovity-theme

      7. Add email settings (Realm settings > Email)

        • At least From and Host are required

    • MDS theme

      1. Copy mds-theme directory to {keycloakRoot}/themes/ directory

      2. Import realm-mds.json to create the mds-portal realm

      3. Adjust settings for oauth2-proxy client (Clients > oauth2-proxy > Settings)

        • Root URL: URL of the auth proxy, e.g. https://authority-portal.example.url

        • Home URL: (Relative) sign in URL of auth proxy, e.g. /oauth2/sign_in

        • Valid Redirect URIs: (Relative) callback URL of auth proxy, e.g. /oauth2/callback

        • Valid post logout redirect URIs: /*

      4. Adjust settings for authority-portal-client client (Clients > authority-portal-client > Settings)

        • Root URL: URL of the authority portal, e.g. https://authority-portal.example.url

        • Home URL: (Most likely) same as Root URL

      5. Regenerate client secrets for oauth2-proxy and authority-portal-client clients

        • Clients > [client] > Credentials > Regenerate (Client secret)

      6. Select MDS theme for login & email templates

        • Select mds-portal realm

        • Realm settings > Themes > Login theme: Select mds-theme

        • Realm settings > Themes > Email theme: Select mds-theme

      7. Add email settings (Realm settings > Email)

        • At least From and Host are required


The Caddyfile needs to be mounted to /etc/caddy/Caddyfile in the Caddy container. See the list of deployment units for the compatible Caddy image.

The Caddy needs to get the following env variables it uses in the container:


OAuth2 Proxy

  • The Authority Portal is meant to be deployed with an OAuth2 Proxy in front of the Portal Backend.

  • The OAuth2 Proxy should be configured to use the Keycloak (IAM) as OAuth2 Provider.

  • Copy the contents from resources to a directory the OAuth2 proxy can access (CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR)

OAUTH2_PROXY_PROVIDER: keycloak-oidc
OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET: [COOKIE_SECRET] # (32-bit base64 encoded secret)
OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_REFRESH: 30s # Access Token Lifespan - 30 seconds
OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_EXPIRE: 30m # Client Session Idle / SSO Session Idle
OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID: oauth2-proxy
OAUTH2_PROXY_UPSTREAMS: http://caddy:8081/
OAUTH2_PROXY_SKIP_AUTH_ROUTES: "^(/oauth2|/api/registration|/api/config)"
OAUTH2_PROXY_REDIRECT_URL: https://[AP_FQDN]/oauth2/callback
OAUTH2_PROXY_SCOPE: openid profile

Keycloak DAPS Client Creation

The Authority Portal requires a client to register new connector certificates. This client must have the following settings:

  • Section Authentication flow (Tab Settings)

    • Everything disabled

    • Service accounts roles enabled

  • Tab Client scopes

    • Add client scope roles as a default scope to the client

  • Service account roles (Tab Service Account Roles)

    • realm-management > manage-clients enabled

    • realm-management > create-client enabled

    • realm-management > view-clients enabled

    • realm-management > query-clients enabled

Authority Portal Backend

  • Image:

  • Set environment variables according to the following documentation (mandatory, except log level)

# Postgres DB Connection
quarkus.datasource.jdbc.url: "jdbc:postgresql://portal-db/authority_portal"
quarkus.datasource.username: "postgres"
quarkus.datasource.password: "postgres"

# Keycloak Client for User IAM
# Base URL of the OIDC server (Keycloak). Must contain the '/realms/{realm}' part of the URL
quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url: "https://[KC_FQDN]/realms/[KC_REALM]"

# Keycloak Admin Client
# Keycloak Admin Client: Server URL
quarkus.keycloak.admin-client.server-url: "https://[KC_FQDN]"
# Keycloak Admin Client: Realm
quarkus.keycloak.admin-client.realm: "[KC_REALM]"
# Keycloak Admin Client: Client ID
quarkus.keycloak.admin-client.client-id: "authority-portal-client"
# Keycloak Admin Client: Client secret
quarkus.keycloak.admin-client.client-secret: "[AP_CLIENT_SECRET]"
# Keycloak Admin Client: Grant type
quarkus.keycloak.admin-client.grant-type: "CLIENT_CREDENTIALS"

# Log level for backend logging (ERROR, INFO, DEBUG, etc). Docs:
quarkus.log.level: "INFO"

# CaaS Portal
# CaaS Portal: URL
authority-portal.caas.sovity.url: "https://[CAAS_PORTAL_FQDN]"
# CaaS Portal: OAuth2 Auth server URL
quarkus.oidc-client.sovity.auth-server-url: "https://[CAAS_KC_FQDN]/realms/[CAAS_REALM]"
# CaaS Portal: OAuth2 Client ID
quarkus.oidc-client.sovity.client-id: "[CAAS_CLIENT_ID]"
# CaaS Portal: OAuth2 Client Secret
quarkus.oidc-client.sovity.credentials.secret: "[CAAS_CLIENT_SECRET]"
# Amount of free sovity CaaS per participant
authority-portal.caas.sovity.limit-per-organization: "1"
# Enables the connection (set to false if you don't have the data to fill out the variables above)
quarkus.oidc-client.sovity.client-enabled: true

# Must equal the root URL/home URl from the Keycloak configuration - see above)
authority-portal.base-url: "https://[AP_FQDN]"

# API key to protect config endpoints, like /api/config/log-level
authority-portal.config.api-key: "[AP_CONFIG_API_KEY]"

# Invitation link expiration time in seconds. (Must equal the value in Keycloak configuration)
authority-portal.invitation.expiration: "43200"

# Uptime Kuma
# Uptime Kuma URL (/metrics endpoint must be available)
authority-portal.kuma.metrics-url: "https://[UPTIME_KUMA_FQDN]"
# Uptime Kuma API key
authority-portal.kuma.api-key: "[UPTIME_KUMA_API_KEY]"

# Environment Configuration
# - Each Authority Portal can be configured with multiple environments, e.g. test, staging, prod, etc. 
# - Following is an example configuration of the "test" environment.
# - Please Note, that the environment "test" is mandatory

# Environment Configuration: Metadata
# Title of the deployment environment configuration
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.title: "Test"
# Order of environments, from 0 (default) to n (least important)
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.position: "0"

# Environment Data Catalog Settings
# Time after which offline data offers are hidden from the Data Catalog "15m"
# Default page size for the Data Catalog "10"
# Kuma name for the catalog crawler broker

# Environment Connector-Dataspace association: Allows certain connectors to be associated as partnered data spaces
# Required: Default Dataspace name "MDS"
# Optional: Additional connectors to be given a dataspace name"MDSL1234XX.C1234XX": "Mobilithek"

# Environment DAPS
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.daps.url: "https://[KC_DAPS_FQDN]"
# Env: DAPS realm name
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.daps.realm-name: "DAPS"
# Env: DAPS Admin Client Client ID
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.daps.client-id: "authority-portal"
# Env: DAPS Admin Client Client Secret
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.daps.client-secret: "[DAPS_CLIENT_SECRET]"
# Env: DAPS Kuma name
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.daps.kuma-name: "[DAPS_KUMA_NAME]"

# Environment Logging House
# Env: Logging House URL
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.logging-house.url: "https://[LOGGING_HOUSE_FQDN]"
# Env: Logging House Kuma name
authority-portal.deployment.environments.test.logging-house.kuma-name: "[LOGGING_HOUSE_KUMA_NAME]"

Optional configuration variables

# Organization ID configuration (example: prefix: BPN & length: 10 would generate Ids in the format BPNL000000000011)
# The 'L' stands for 'Legal' and is added automatically after the prefix - the last 2 characters are the checksum "BPN" "10"

Adjusting the log level at runtime

The log level can be changed during runtime via a request to the /api/config/log-level endpoint. The API key is required for this. Example:

curl -X PUT '' --header 'x-api-key: uYtR_wNsvXU4EbV9GioACnj!NHML_HRX'

Authority Portal Frontend

  • Image:

  • Set environment variables according to the following table (mandatory)

AUTHORITY_PORTAL_FRONTEND_LOGIN_URL: https://[AP_FQDN]/oauth2/start?rd=https%3A%2F%2F[AP_FQDN] # Auth Proxy: Login URL (with redirect to the Authority Portal)
# Following is the URL to signal the Auth Proxy to log out the user.
# Example: https://[AP_FQDN]/oauth2/sign_out?rd=https%3A%2F%2F[KC_FQDN]%2Frealms%2F[KC_REALM]l%2Fprotocol%2Fopenid-connect%2Flogout%3Fclient_id%3Doauth2-proxy%26post_logout_redirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252F[AP_FQDN]
AUTHORITY_PORTAL_FRONTEND_INVALIDATE_SESSION_COOKIES_URL: https://[AP_FQDN]/oauth2/sign_out # Auth Proxy: URL to invalidate sessions cookies
AUTHORITY_PORTAL_FRONTEND_IFRAME_URL: # iFrame URL for the "Home" page if it's used
AUTHORITY_PORTAL_FRONTEND_ACTIVE_PROFILE: sovity-open-source # UI Branding profile (sovity-open-source or mds-open-source)
AUTHORITY_PORTAL_FRONTEND_DATASPACE_SHORT_NAME: ExDS # Short Dataspace name, used in some explanatory texts
AUTHORITY_PORTAL_FRONTEND_PORTAL_DISPLAY_NAME: "Authority Portal" # Portal name displayed in various texts

Data Catalog Crawlers

  • The Data Catalog only displays the Data Catalog as it exists in the database.

  • Each deployment environment requires a Data Catalog Crawler.

    • A Data Catalog Crawler is based on the EDC Connector and crawls the catalogs of all connectors in the dataspace.

    • You will need an SKI/AKI client ID to register the crawler. Please refer to the EDC documentation on how to generate one.

Initial Setup

The first user that registers at the portal does not need to be approved and will automatically become an Authority Admin. This means this should be done by the Dataspace Authority

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